Saturday, May 3, 2008

Frantic Friday and Solo Saturday

I ran on the treadmill for a good part of an hour watching a slightly tolerable movie, planning the first of the few weekends without the better half. I slept for the longest time ignoring the wailing of the alarm. After preliminaries I headed out to Walmart to get the oil changed. Luckily there was no wait, the cold weather must have thwarted the plans of early risers. I met my colleague and his son. His wife and daughter were doing the food shopping and he was getting his car reapired and finding some toys for his son. Being the proponent of efficiency hesaid he was dividing adn conquering the days tasks.

After the brief interlude I found my way to the storage and organizing section. With the hope that the bins will help atleast sort out the disarray of the useful clutter in the closet. While I was at it I also got a set of bins for the medicines. The way we had it was worse than the dorm people.

I was arguing with myself about getting a shaved head or a haircut, and decided that in favor or a dippa cutting. The wait was two hours and my patience ran out the second the words came out of the stylists mouth. I got into the list and scurried away from the prom going teens who were lined up to get their hair done. I returned back to the salon after organizing the medicine and throwing away the pills and medication that were older than dodo.

The pains that went into prepping a few girls was astounding. Is beauty over-rated? Why is it that people spend so much energy time and money poring into this idea of looking good? Does it make one feel good about oneself? Are the cosmetic industries exploiting this idea and in cohoots with the media?
My stylist said it was nerve wrecking experience to style some of the teens coz if the end result did not turn out as expected, there was hell waiting with wide arms. I sure the hair being curled and wound backwards with the smaller curler and using a specific brand of mousse did not yield the prom date for teenA. Whatever floated their boat, I was glad to be out of the hormone crazy teens and their moms.

After a quick shower I responded to teh call of the DOSA afty. I met another colleague of mine adn as we gulped down chutney with morsels of crispy dosa we solved some engine problems and blabbered about visas and world economy.

There was no time to nap since I found a few coupons waiting to be used. It was the first time I had shopped for pants and tried more than a dozen pants at each of the three locations GAP Kohls and JC Penny. I also shopped for shoes at more locations and used few coupons and the ongoing sales and rebates.

I am ready to drop only after eating some dinner.

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