Thursday, October 4, 2007

Paradox of the cleaning lady

I was waiting at the airport terminal and as the cleaning lady approached I gave way so that she could run the vacuum and she sighed seeing how carelessly people threw gum or waste around. Mindlessly people take the clean environment for granted. A nameless face picks up after them and unlike home where kids are constantly threatened with grounding unless rooms are cleaned, adults have surpassed that stage and specially in a public environment there is no accountability. There is no one chiding the teenager who spills the fries and goes about as if nothing happened.

Back to the cleaning lady who could have used a little hair gel sighed again but went on her duties with a resignation of a mother who has lost the battle with her rebellious, tenacious teens, just for the day, but will gather her resources for the next battle.

But as she moved on to the next gate I was wondering if all the people cleaned up after them the cleaning lady might not have a job and will be sighing a different tune.

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