Sunday, June 17, 2007

What would Ramu do?

The monthly inspection of the belly necessitated a visit to the trail.
OK more so from the insistance of the better half. We decided right at the beginning of our marriage who the better half was. The trail had seen us a lot more during the early spring when the temperature was above freezing with sunshine brought out a 1000 watt smile on my ladys lips. As I try to distract myself with counting down the seconds when I will be back in my lazy boy with a cold one, familiar faces smile back on their return from the two mile mark. Some faces were familiar but still unsmiling. Giving them the benefit of doubt I am assuming they are counting down seconds like me too or probably thinking about the dessert they can eat after the run. There were a few others in a third category trying to impress the visiting mother inlaw!!

Then at the half mile marker it stood out of the scenery. In the weeds and the wooded trees surving the bunny rabbits and the swallows a red tulip. As I ran past it I wanted to play the Romeo and pluck it and give it to my lady friend who was running with me. I kept thinking about it all the way to the mile marker. As I turned around it seemed too corny and I wondered what would Ramu would have done. As I ran past it the second time the tulip waved to me as if saving "thank you for not plucking me so that few more runners can enjoy the red tulip.

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